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Vocabularies in Nooksack and other Coast Salishan languages
III-6: An incident
Dakota notes
Medicine Root Community at Kyle, S.D.
III-8: A typical 'kidding' between brothers-in-law
[Map of hunting territories in Quebec and Labrador.]
Haida lexicon
Tsuut'ina notebook #7
Mrs. Big-Crow and Mrs. Old-Man-Spotted
Takelma notebook #1
Drawing of salmon smokehouse
Word lists comparing Kwagu'ł with 'Nak'waxda'xw and Gusgimukw
Takelma notebook #2
Map (4).  Showing approximately some of the chief trade routes and trading places &c of the Plateau tribes.
Lillooet vocabulary
Jim Starlight
Three rooted clover
III-4: The modern medicine-man