
About the APS Digital Library

The APS Digital Library provides access to a wide variety of digitized items from the holdings of the American Philosophical Society. Browse documents in the Digital Library by format on the Collections page, or find specific items using the search bar to the upper right.

Many of the items in the Digital Library can be viewed with additional context by using our Collections Search, and viewing manuscript finding aids.


The APS Digital Library is built on the Islandora open-source framework, which is a combination of Fedora and Drupal.

Rights and Reproduction

The APS has an Open Access Policy for all unrestricted material in the digital library. Open Access Materials can be used freely for non-commercial, scholarly, educational, or fair use as defined under United States copyright law. Read the full policy and learn more about our Rights and Reproduction.


Some of the collections have access restrictions.

The APS strives to increase access to all of our holdings. Some of our holdings, however, represent cultural or other types of sensitivity.

Our audio material is available only via login. For more information, please see our help page on audio access.

All of our holdings are available for access on-site. Find out more about visiting the Library.