Forwarding manuscripts 97-104. Attempting to record the myth 'Am'ala, which Boas wanted. Hopes to be able to provide a full account of Gitksan potlatches in the winter. Says that the Gitksan have retained their old ways better than most Tsimshians since their hunting territories are about their only asset and because they have a sympathetic Indian agent.;
Forwarding manuscripts 127-129. Leaving next month for the Skeena canneries and will get material, particularly Lagabula narrative. Will also try to get Gitksan material.;
Sorry he would not advance him money, but will take Boas's offer of advance of $25 for Kitkatla and Skeena River villages. Hopes for advance to cover informant expenses during summer field work among the Gitksan, Gitselasu, and Kitzemgelelm. Understands from Garfield that nothing has been done in Gitksan; Beynon speaks both Gitksan and Nass dialects.;
Survey for the Forestry Dept. has been delayed by weather. Discusses significance of secret societies as a general matter. Mentions Nisga'a and Gitksan.;
Hand-colored and annotated map delineating distribution of [as spelled] Salishan, Kitunahan, Athapascan family, Algonquian family, Shoshonean, Siouan. Trade routes delineated in red. Annotated map area encompasses Alberta and Saskatchewan, plus western Manitoba, southernmost North West Territories/Yukon, and northern portions of Montana, Idaho, and Washington.; Base map: “Rand-McNally New Pocket Map of Western Canada Showing Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.” (c) 1906. Scale 60 miles = 1 inch.
Part of ACLS Collection, Item 59, "Annotated Maps and Notes to maps of the Pacific Northwest." These notes accompany 15 maps hand-annotated by James Teit, showing territories and language ranges in multiple period of Indigenous peoples primarily of the Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.