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Table of constituent parts of earthy minerals (Call number: 549 C74)
Tableau botanique des genres observes en Russie et disposes selon la méthode naturelle (Call number: 580 L62)
Honor to Dr. Kane
Programme of organization of the Smithsonian Institution. (Presented to the Board of Regents, Dec. 8, 1847.)
Woolwich, Feb. 24, 1853. Sir, With reference to the letter which you addressed to me on the 12th of February, in respect to Dr. Kane's Arctic Expedition, I must limit the"magnetic observations."
Closing exercises of the term. Thursday, February 12th, 1846
Valuable real estate. Philadelphia Museum. Peremptory sale
College of New Jersey. Examination in chemistry. (Required.) Saturday, Dec. 19, 1885
Aston Abbotts House, Aylesbury. 18th February, 1853. Sir, With respect to the number of each party, we have found two officers and six men to be the most convenient