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Western Engineer (Steamboat).
Woolwich, Feb. 24, 1853. Sir, With reference to the letter which you addressed to me on the 12th of February, in respect to Dr. Kane's Arctic Expedition, I must limit the"magnetic observations."
Codex F: 130
Codex C: 255
Codex Ia: 007
Pam.v.389, No.11 - Geology of the Pacific and other regions visited by the U.S. Exploring Expedition under C. Wilkes, U. S. N., in the years 1838-1842, by James D. Dana, geologist of the expedition
Engineer Cantonment [Missouri River]
Codex I: 011
Codex N: 149-150
The following geographical works have been published by John Melish, and are for sale, at the prices annexed
Sujets de prix, proposés par l'Académie...pour l'année 1782.... [Page 2:] Pour l'année 1783. ...A Lyon, le 5 septembre 1780
Codex J: 115