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Elicitation of terms for colors
Winnebago expressions connected with colour
Tuscarora words for color
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences with color terms
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences with color terms
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences with color terms
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences with color terms
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences with color terms
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences with color terms
Tuscarora Language Materials, Side 5
Central Pomo terms for colors
 500 Pam. V. 6, after No. 35 - De la vision stéréoscopique des images et des couleurs complémentaires. Par M. [Francesco] Zantedeschi, prof. de physique à Padoue. Articolo estratto dal Giornale La Lumière, Revue de la Photographie