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Forgiveness for a killer [4 of 4]
The Lord's Prayer read by Mitchell Whiterabbit
Winnebago morphological forms taken from Hans Wolff's "Comparative Siouan"
Winnebago numbers
Story about a white man and an Indian
Indian warfare and white strategy
A story about red-white rivalry and the background of an arrest
How the Winnebago and the Menominee lived together near the Great Lake [2 of 2]
Ancillary eliciting
More about the conversation between the captain and the prisoners
Ancillary eliciting to "A story about red-white rivalry and the background of an arrest"
Winnebago pairs
A Menominee visit to a chief's resort
Winnebago Sunrise Song
The story explaining why a tell-tale is called a woodpecker in Winnebago
A man who was building a fire knifed to death [3 of 3]
Ritual Dance Music and Stories Connected with Medicine Dances for the Initiaion of Youngsters
About the Winnebago and Menominee
How soldiers caught a black and a white boy
The reborn man who became a drunkard and his experiences in an ambush near Log Bridge