audio:6479; APSdigrec_3109; Recording Number: 02B; Program Number: 01
Conversation on miscellaneous Shawnee customs and beliefs with some vocabulary. Discusses prohibition on playing or eating after dark, customs surrounding a feast for a person who has died, little people who live in trees, little lost people, and how babies are named. In English only.
audio:6484; APSdigrec_3110; Recording Number: 03A; Program Number: 01
Conversation on little people, the consultant's mother's medicine, the naming of babies, a personal anecdote about sickness, and the passing down of knowledge through elders. In English only.
audio:6481; APSdigrec_3107; Recording Number: 01B; Program Number: 01
Elicitation of Shawnee grammatical constructions primarily focused on colors (black, blue, green, gray, brown, yellow) in animate and inanimate, and singular and plural forms.
audio:6528; APSdigrec_3204; Recording Number: 11B; Program Number: 01
Includes discussion of the Shawnee Indian Agency, economic and agricultural conditions during the Depression, memories of farming and hunting during childhood, traditional medicine, and traditional roles for men and women. In English only.
audio:6525; APSdigrec_3210; Recording Number: 12A; Program Number: 04
Story about the importance of being good to dogs and their role in deciding who gets in to heaven, followed by discussion and brief story of Grandmother's creation of the world.
audio:6514; APSdigrec_3195; Recording Number: 09A; Program Number: 01
Story given in English, then in Shawnee, followed by a discussion of Shawnee beliefs regarding treatment of animals and animals' conferring of powers to humans. Also discusses the role of dogs in going to heaven.