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(1 - 20 of 58)
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences with the verbs "to sit" and "to be hungry"
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences about weather
Story about a hunter and his dog, given in Shawnee
Fragment of conversation
Conversation on Shawnee customs and beliefs
Conversation on Shawnee customs and beliefs
Story of the grasshopper and the ant, given in English
Eliciation of passive verbs and miscellaneous Shawnee sentences
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences with color terms
Song sung by a grandmother to a baby grandchild
Conversation on consultant's childhood and Shawnee customs
Discussion of past Shawnee migration and a sacred bundle
Elicitation of Shawnee sentences using the verb "to bead"
Discussion of Shawnee words for ant, possum, and skunk
Story about dogs and going to heaven, given in English, with additional discussion
Story of Grandmother's grandson who mistreated animals
Elicitation of miscellaneous Shawnee sentences