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Elementary treatise on mineralogy. Prospectus of a treatise on mineralogy; adapted to the present state of science; including important applications to the arts and manufactures
Sammlungen von mineralien, petrefakten und krystall-modellen/ Collections de minéraux, de petrifications et modèles de cristaux
Prospectus of the second series of the American journal of science and arts
From the Utica Morning Herald, April 12, 1892. Oneida Historians[.] Listen to an address on "The Oneida Institute." Dr. Smith Baker the speaker at the monthly meeting of the society- -business transacted
Maison d'éducation et école de mathématiques, sous l'autorité & la jurisdiction de Monsieur le Chantre de l'Église de Paris...[et] sous la direction de M. Arnauld
Pam.v.1094, No.14 - Sur les gisements de cinq séries de gaz hydrocarbonés provenant des roches paléozoïques de l'Amérique du Nord;
Tickets of admission to Zoological Garden, Philadelphia
Iconografia della fauna Italica di Carlo Luciano Bonaparte Principe di Musignano. Prospetto
Missourium theristrocaulodon, or Leviathan missouriensis open for exhibition, in the saloon at the rere of Tommey's Hotel, entrance in Great Britain-Street, (opposite the Lying-in-Hospital.) Particular description and explanations given every day at 3o'c
[Phrenological chart fragment]
Liste des membres qui composent la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Ile Maurice. 1er[.] septembre 1836
Rooms of the Amer. Philosophical Soc.[,] Philadelphia, _____ 1863. To the secretary of the _____[.] Sir: You will please find at the rooms of the _____ a package of our publications
500 Pam. V. 6, No. 33 - Nouveau spectromètre de Monsieur [Francesco] Zantedeschi. Articolo estratto dal Giornale: La Lumière. Revue de la Photographie. Parigi 20 Dicembre 1856
500 Pam. V. 6, No. 34 - Question des foyers chimiques et lumineux. Des irradiations chimiques au point de vue de la photographie. Par MM. [Francesco] Zantedeschi et [Luigi] Borlinetto. Articolo estratto dal Giornale: La Lumiere, Revue de la photographie.
The following geographical works have been published by John Melish, and are for sale, at the prices annexed
Great American mastodon!! Now exhibiting at the hall
Figures to denote the force of the wind. [Reverse side:] Letters to denote the state of the weather.