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Mixtions Wickersheimer pour la conservation des cadavres entiers ou divisés ainsi que des plantes
Pam.v.365, No.7 - La camera lucida applicata alla fotografia dei prototipi del mondo esteriore ossia delle immagini impresse sulla retina dell'occhio
Thermometrical table, on the scales of Fahrenheit, Centigrade and Reaumur comprising the most remarkable phenomena chemical and physiological connected with temperature, by Alfred S. Taylor, lecturer on chemistry in Guy's Hospital
Pam.v.1218, No.4 - North America. A working map for illustrating, by coloration, the geographical distribution of life. Prepared for the Boston Society of Natural History by William C. Cleveland
Publications of the Geological Survey of California. The publications of the Geological Survey of California issued up to this date, or nearly ready, are as follows...
500 Pam. V. 6, No. 34 - Question des foyers chimiques et lumineux. Des irradiations chimiques au point de vue de la photographie. Par MM. [Francesco] Zantedeschi et [Luigi] Borlinetto. Articolo estratto dal Giornale: La Lumiere, Revue de la photographie.
510 Pam.xp No. 7. - University of Virginia. Examination in natural philosophy. July 14th, 1829
Queries about expression. ... Down, Bromley, Kent, 1867
590 Pam. no. 28a - The European works of Professor Agassiz.
M_____[,] Monsieur Emmanuel Arago, Monsieur Alfred Arago... . ont l'honneur de vous faire part de la perte douloureuse qu'ils viennent de faire en la personne de M. François Arago...décédé à l'Observatoire de Paris, le 2 octobre 1853, à l'âge de 67 ans
Linnaeus. The illustrious Charles von Linnaeus, one of the greatest naturalists the world has ever produced
590 Pam. no. 28e - Private circular. Dear Sir, I take the liberty of asking your aid in circulating the enclosed prospectus