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New-Brunswick has been visited by a frightful tornado.
Table of constituent parts of earthy minerals (Call number: 549 C74)
Meteorology. Mr. A. Andrews of Boston, would respectfully inform the citizens of this town, that he will give a lecture on meteorology or the "philosophy of storms," at _____ on _____ evening
Public lectures. The faculty of arts announce the following courses of historical and scientific lectures, to be delivered in the College Hall. ...Philadelphia, November 23, 1846
Copy of a letter from P. H. to Swinton, Blease and Co.[,] salt proprietors, Liverpool. ...Knutsford, June 12, 1805
Annular eclipse!
Pam.v.382, No.4 - Archean characters of the rocks of the Nucleal Ranges of the Antilles
Meteorological observations made at the apartments of the Albany Institute, Albany Academy, for thirty-seven successive hours, commencing six a.m. of the twenty-first of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six--ending six p.m. of the following day.
Pam.v.382, No.3 - On a specimen of quartz from Australia and three specimens of oligoclase from North Carolina exhibiting curious optical properties
Astronomical exhibition. Or, amusement and science combined.
Evolution; or, the extracting of just roots out of all powers, by one universal rule, as easy as common division
Pam.v.389, No.11 - Geology of the Pacific and other regions visited by the U.S. Exploring Expedition under C. Wilkes, U. S. N., in the years 1838-1842, by James D. Dana, geologist of the expedition
510.Pam.xp No. 5 - Evening problems
Meteorological observations made at Springmill, 13 miles, NNW. of Philadelphia, 40°9' N. Month of December, 1787
The comet. Elements of the orbit of the comet, now visible. 1811.
Scientific lectures! Chemistry. Professor Hindman, formerly prof. of natural sciences in West Winfield Seminary, assisted by Perley Ainsworth, artist, will deliver a lecture on chemistry
The subscriber, proposing to devote his time to instruction in the practical operations of chemistry
Report of a commission appointed to examine the triangulation of Mr. James Ferguson, assistant U.S. Coast Survey upon the coast of the United States, during the years, 1844-45. Coast Survey Office, Washington, March 1, 1847