audio:7307; APSdigrec_2238; Recording Number: 08; Program Number: 08
Recording contains a continuous background hum. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program comes from original tape 16.
audio:6481; APSdigrec_3107; Recording Number: 01B; Program Number: 01
Elicitation of Shawnee grammatical constructions primarily focused on colors (black, blue, green, gray, brown, yellow) in animate and inanimate, and singular and plural forms.
audio:6493; APSdigrec_3118; Recording Number: 05B; Program Number: 01
Elicitation of Shawnee grammatical constructions primarily focused on colors (red, black, brown, blue) in animate and inanimate, and singular and plural forms.
audio:6486; APSdigrec_3112; Recording Number: 03B; Program Number: 01
Elicitation of Shawnee grammatical constructions primarily focused on colors (purple, orange, white) in animate and inanimate, and singular and plural forms.
audio:6480; APSdigrec_3108; Recording Number: 02A; Program Number: 01
Elicitation of Shawnee grammatical constructions primarily focused on colors (yellow, white, green, orange, pink) in animate and inanimate, and singular and plural forms.