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William Heath to John Burgoyne
John Burgoyne to Horatio Gates
Adams, Samuel to James Lovell, 1778 March 31
Adams, Dr. Samuel to Sally Preston Adams, 1776 November 9
Nelson, Thomas, Jr. to George Weedon, 1777 October 28
Huntington, Jedediah to Jabez Huntington, 1775 December 4
Shippen, Edward to Joseph Shippen, 1777 January 27
Lee, Charles to Benjamin Rush, 1776 November 2
Pendleton, Edmund to Richard Henry Lee, 1777 September 13
Godfrey, D. to [Turbutt] Francis, 1778 January 3
Scott, Captain William, The Battle of Germantown memorandum
George Weedon Orderly Book, 1777-1778