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Meteorology. Mr. A. Andrews of Boston, would respectfully inform the citizens of this town, that he will give a lecture on meteorology or the "philosophy of storms," at _____ on _____ evening
Public lectures. The faculty of arts announce the following courses of historical and scientific lectures, to be delivered in the College Hall. ...Philadelphia, November 23, 1846
Astronomical exhibition. Or, amusement and science combined.
920 Pam. No. 349 - Popular lectures on natural history, lecture committees repeatedly ask for notices of the press regarding the lectures of Professor Morse, the following are selected from hundreds
Scientific lectures! Chemistry. Professor Hindman, formerly prof. of natural sciences in West Winfield Seminary, assisted by Perley Ainsworth, artist, will deliver a lecture on chemistry
On Friday the 21st of January, 1825, this splendid establishment was opened to the subscribers and their friends. Upwards of three hundred ladies and gentlemen were present.... Inaugural lecture. Bath: Printed by Richard Cruttwell, St. James's-Street
Pam.v.105, No.20 - Librairie de Pichon et Didier. Cours de l'histoire naturelle des Mammifères, professé au Jardin du Roi par M. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, les lundis, mercredis et vendredis. Recueilli par une Société de Sténographes
Lecture[.] Perley Ainsworth, artist, will deliver a lecture at _____ on _____ ev'g, _____ 185_[.]
The analysis of a lecture upon the eidouranion; or astronomical lucernal, explaining the courses, distances, situations, magnitudes and motions of the heavenly bodies
Lectures on geology. By John Finch, F.B.S. Author of several geological essays
Academia Scientiarium Imperialis L: S: Academiam Petri Magni auspiciis.... Datum ex Academia Scientiarum M: Januar: D: 14 A: 1726. [Saint Petersburg]: Typis mandatum Typographia Petropolitana
Scientific lecture. Prof. Edgerton of Michigan has the pleasure of announcing to the citizens of _____ that he will lecture on _____ evening _____ upon the following subjects
Syllabus of the lectures of Thomas Cooper, Esq. M.D. as professor of geology and mineralogy in the University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania. A course of lectures on natural history. by Benjamin Smith Barton
Redemptoris typo. Tentamina de electricitate. ...Exercitium istud quod sibi dedicari concessit, présentiâ suâ nobiltabit D. Benjamin Franklin, bene meritorum de electricitate physicorum princeps in Mazarinaeo
Professor Agassiz's lectures. Prof. Agassiz proposes to deliver a course of lectures in Philadelphia, similar to the one just completed by him before the Lowell Institute
Indian antiquities. A course of popular and highly interesting lectures on American archeology will be delivered by Prof. M. W. Dickeson, M.D.,
University of Pennsylvania. A course of lectures on materia medica. by Benjamin Smith Barton