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Report of the Boston committee, appointed by the meeting of merchants and others, on the subject of procuring a telescope of the first class, for astronomical observations, &c.
Catalogue of books, French and English, late the property of A. J. Dallas, Esquire, dec'd. ...April 11, 1817
Salem, Mass., Feby. 28, 1866.
On Friday the 21st of January, 1825, this splendid establishment was opened to the subscribers and their friends. Upwards of three hundred ladies and gentlemen were present.... Inaugural lecture. Bath: Printed by Richard Cruttwell, St. James's-Street
Proposals for publishing by subscription, a work on the fish of North America, with plates, drawn and coloured from nature. By C. A. Lesueur
From the Utica Morning Herald, January 12, 1898. Historical Society. Annual address delivered by William Cary Sanger
Histoire naturelle générale et particulière des mollusques, tant des espèces qu'on trouve aujourd'hui vivantes que des  dépouilles fossiles de celles qui n'existent plus
The next stated meeting will be at 7 o'clock, on Friday evening. (Chair taken at 8 o'clock,) October 2, 1874
Pam.v.105, No.20 - Librairie de Pichon et Didier. Cours de l'histoire naturelle des Mammifères, professé au Jardin du Roi par M. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, les lundis, mercredis et vendredis. Recueilli par une Société de Sténographes
Proposals for publishing by subscription, a new and elegant Universal atlas, to contain distinct maps of all the principal kingdoms and states in the known world, and separate maps of each of the United States
(From the [Philadelphia] Inquirer.) Letter from Dr. Hare. In reply to an inquiry respecting the influence of electricity in table turning. Philadelphia, July 27, 1853
A synopsis of the chemical characters adapted to the new nomenclature by Messrs. Hassenfratz and Adet, systematically arranged by W. Jackson, practical chemist
Thermometrical table, on the scales of Fahrenheit, Centigrade and Reaumur comprising the most remarkable phenomena chemical and physiological connected with temperature, by Alfred S. Taylor, lecturer on chemistry in Guy's Hospital
College of New Jersey. Examination in chemistry. (Required.) Saturday, Dec. 19, 1885
The formation and progress of settlements, and wars with the Indians [etc.]
Natural History Society. Founded May 6, 1869. [List of] officers,...executive committee, [and]...members [for 1890]
Tables of natural sines and natural tangents, for the use of field parties of the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, 1875.