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308 Pam. No. 69 - Thomas Dobson, no. 41, South Second Street, Philadelphia, having happily completed the American edition of the Encyclopedia
The analysis of a lecture upon the eidouranion; or astronomical lucernal, explaining the courses, distances, situations, magnitudes and motions of the heavenly bodies
Notice sur le Musée des antiques, dessiné et gravé par P. Bouillon, avec des notices explicatives par Mr. de St. Victor./ Prospectus of the Museum of antiquities, designed and engraved by Mr. Bouillon, with explanatory notes by Mr. de St. Victor
18, Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N. W., Dec. 15th, 1889. Dear Sir, I am addressing this circular letter to a number of field botanists
From the Utica Morning Herald, January 15, 1896. Oneida historians. Annual meeting of the county historical society. Officers elected and reports presented--women admitted to membership for the first time in the history of the society
Publications of the Geological Survey of California. The publications of the Geological Survey of California issued up to this date, or nearly ready, are as follows...
First Book of Zoology. By Edward S. Morse, Ph. D., Formerly Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Zoology in Bowdoin College.
510 Pam.xp No. 6 - The course of examination and questions propounded in the several schools of the University of Virginia, at the late public examination in July, 1828
Pam.v.1086, No.15 - Prospectus d'un ouvrage ayant pour titre: Florindie, ou Histoire phisico-économique des végétaux de la torride.... Cet ouvrage, dédié au Cercle des Philadelphes, sera orné d'un grand nombre de figures dessinées & coloriées par l'auteur
Pam.v.1102, No.5 - Peintures de vases antiques, vulgairement appelés vases étrusques, tirés de différentes collections
Sir[,] I take the liberty to inclose to you the proceedings instituted under the authority of the University of the State of New
Phrenological character of _____ by Mr [C. H. Canfield] practical phrenologist
To the public. The address of the New-York Historical Society
Lectures on geology. By John Finch, F.B.S. Author of several geological essays
Demonstracion de los anteojos que se han inventado para conservar, y aumentar la vista. Explicacion del uso de los anteojos para todo genero de personas
Royal Menagerie, Exeter 'Change, Strand, the grandest national depot of animated nature in the world, open for inspection every day...
Baltimore, Maryland, _____ 183_. The Maryland Academy of Science and Literature, having lately had the misfortune to lose its valuable museum and library by fire