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920 Pam. No. 349 - Popular lectures on natural history, lecture committees repeatedly ask for notices of the press regarding the lectures of Professor Morse, the following are selected from hundreds
(From the Utica Morning Herald, April 13, 1892). Oneida Historical Society. Business session held yesterday afternoon--a paper by General C. W. Darling on "Pre-historic archaeology of America" read last evening
510.Pam.xp No. 5 - Evening problems
S'il es une enterprise qui puisse espérer de trouver une protection spéciale dans le sein des sociétés savantes
Programme of organization of the Smithsonian Institution. (Presented to the Board of Regents, Dec. 8, 1847.)
Meteorological observations made at Springmill, 13 miles, NNW. of Philadelphia, 40°9' N. Month of December, 1787
The comet. Elements of the orbit of the comet, now visible. 1811.
Scientific lectures! Chemistry. Professor Hindman, formerly prof. of natural sciences in West Winfield Seminary, assisted by Perley Ainsworth, artist, will deliver a lecture on chemistry
The subscriber, proposing to devote his time to instruction in the practical operations of chemistry
Propostition faite aux amis des sciences et des arts.
Report of a commission appointed to examine the triangulation of Mr. James Ferguson, assistant U.S. Coast Survey upon the coast of the United States, during the years, 1844-45. Coast Survey Office, Washington, March 1, 1847
Meteorological observations. 1789.
Detail de la grande éclipse de soleil qui doit arriver le 26 Octobre de cette présente année 1753. Calculée pour la Ville de Bordeaux suivant les nouvelles observations de Messieurs de l'Académie Royale des Sciences
Union encyclopédique pour la propagation des connaissances utiles, par la publication de l'Encylcopédie portative