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Notice de livres au rabais qui se trouvent chez Saugrain, libraire, quai des augustins, jusqu'au premier juin prochain; passé lequel temps on les paiera leurs prix ordinaires
Pam.v.382, No.4 - Archean characters of the rocks of the Nucleal Ranges of the Antilles
Monsieur, Le Musée de Paris ayant transporté ses séances au local de M. [Jean-François] Pilatre de Rozier....A l'hôtel du Musée de Paris...le 28 août 1783
Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., July 21, 1880. Sir: It is with deep regret that I am obliged to inform you of the death of Count Louis François de Pourtalès, the keeper of this museum
Pam.v.1198, No.5 - Directions for taking care of the cochineal insects while at sea / Soins a observer pour la Conservation des Insects Cochenille a bord des Vaisseaux Sur Mer
Meteorological observations made at the apartments of the Albany Institute, Albany Academy, for thirty-seven successive hours, commencing six a.m. of the twenty-first of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six--ending six p.m. of the following day.
Tableau des grossissemens obtenus par la combinaison des oculaires et de systèmes achromatiques avec une distance visuelle de 250 millimèters
(From the Utica Morning Herald, Jan. 13, 1872 [sic; should be 1892?].) Historical. Annual Meeting of the Oneida Society. Reports presented and officers elected--an able address by S. N. D. North of Boston on "The evolution of the factory system."
Baradelle L'ainé, ingénieur en instrumens de mathematique et de phisique
Pam.v.382, No.3 - On a specimen of quartz from Australia and three specimens of oligoclase from North Carolina exhibiting curious optical properties
Annual Election of Officers and Councilors, 1896...[Obverse] Officers for 1896
Astronomical exhibition. Or, amusement and science combined.
Evolution; or, the extracting of just roots out of all powers, by one universal rule, as easy as common division
"The field is the world." London, May 18, 1860
A concise abstract of the contents of a cabinet of British organic remains, more particularly of Tertiary fossil shells
Ladies and gentlemen of London are most respectfully informed that Master Geo. Bidder, aged twelve years and a half...will exhibit his astounding powers to any parties
Resolutions in reference to daylight saving adopted by the American Philosophical Society
Constitution of the Paterson Philosophical Society
Pam.v.389, No.11 - Geology of the Pacific and other regions visited by the U.S. Exploring Expedition under C. Wilkes, U. S. N., in the years 1838-1842, by James D. Dana, geologist of the expedition