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Weights & measures. Monies & coins [comparative chart]
Synopsis of a course of lectures, on the osteology and paleontology, or the frame-work and fossils, of the class Mammalia.
Closing exercises of the term. Thursday, February 12th, 1846
Description of the atmospheric recorder, or self-registering apparatus for the various changes of the barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, electrometer, pluviometer, and evaporator
Notice. Books, specimens, or communications sent from foreign countries to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, should be addressed to _____ London
Halley's Comet as seen on the 22nd and 24th of October, 1835, in the 25 feet achromatic telescope of E. J. Cooper, Esqr. M.D.
Pam.v.891, No.12 - Societatis Linguam Universalem, scientiarum ac negotiorum ancillam, fundantium internationalis. Ratio et descriptio
Pam.v.365, No.7 - La camera lucida applicata alla fotografia dei prototipi del mondo esteriore ossia delle immagini impresse sulla retina dell'occhio
Phrenological chart, or else: a physiognomico-craniological delineation of the person of M ______.
The ladies and gentlemen of Yarmouth are most respectfully informed, that Master Bidder, the celebrated mental calculator, will exhibit his surprising powers, at the Concert-Room, on Friday and Saturday next
Sir[,] These are to give notice that on the thirteenth day of November 179_, being St. Andrew's Day, the council and officers of the Royal Society are to be which election, your presence is expected
Observations météorologiques, faites à Flacq, Ile Maurice, par M. Julien Desjardins, pendant l'année 1838
Direction générale du Bulletin universel des sciences et de l'industrie, Établie à Paris, rue de l'Abbaye, no. 3. ...Paris, ce 1er. janvier 1824
Royal Birth. On Thursday, May 22, 1817, the largest lioness in the kingdom, produced two beautiful whelps, male and female (of which one is now living) at the Royal Menagerie