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(341 - 360 of 3,777)
Ward, Artemus to Colonel [Joseph] Ward, 1781 January 1
Flint, Royal to Major Forsyth, 1779 January 1
New Trends in Human Evolution, November 12, 1952
Greene, Nathanael to Moore Furman, 1779 June 12
Fleming, William to [Thomas Jefferson], 1779 May 22
Adams, Dr. Samuel to Sally Preston Adams, 1780 December 20
Morris, Robert to Ezekiel Cornell, 1782 September 20
Davis, William to Henry Jackson, 1778 August 7
Henry Fairfield Osborn - Correspondence, 1921-1925
United States Bank.
Memorandum, "Hints about an American Negotiation," [1783 December].