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Morris, Robert to Nathaniel Appleton, 1782 September 9
Clarkson, Matthew to John Barry, 1779 February 13
Morris, Robert to Benjamin Franklin, 1781 June 08
No. 170 Matthew Clarkson to John Barry
Pickering, Timothy to Henry Hollingsworth, 1778 June 26
Morris, Robert to Governors of respective states, 1781 July 06
Miles, Samuel to John Nicholson, [1779]
Resolution, United States. Congress, 1783 January 10
Resolutions, Pennsylvania. General Assembly, 1781 June 25
United States. Congress to Benjamin Franklin, 1778 October 26
Bill of exchange, 1778 November 30
General view of public monies, 1782 November 18
Carmichael, William to Benjamin Franklin, 1782 July 08
Bill of exchange, 1778 November 25