Robert Johnston sends a quick report to the Managers of the United States Lottery about the sale of ticket. He writes that 200 have sold, but that he does not think anymore will. He has sent them to acquaintances in other "parts of the Country" so that they might sell them.; American Philosophical Society
Informs her that many men are sick and many are "daily entering upon an endless eternity" and that approximately four hundred men have been buried from the hospital at Fort George since 1 July; informs her that he received orders to join his regiment at "Ti" [Fort Ticonderoga, N.Y.] and mentions that the latter place "is very Strong, both by nature & art"; mentions that there is little prospect of engaging the enemy this season and that the American fleet on Lake [Champlain] is formidable and much superior to the enemy's.
Instructs him to issue no bills of exchange for interest on loan office certificates due after I March 1782 and to transmit all the bills of exchange now in his office.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from James Searle to William Temple Franklin. Thanking him for the letters and declaring his intention of dining with Dr. Franklin the next day.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from Jonathan William to William Temple Franklin. Requests him to search for a package of invoices which he think he left at.; American Philosophical Society
An address that quotes a resolution of the Marblehead town meeting of 15 Aug. regarding "the late three oppressive Acts" [the Coercive Acts] and invites them to attend a meeting on 6 Sept. in order to consult about measures for the removal of the acts; signed by John Gerry, clerk.