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(1 - 17 of 17)
Description of artifacts: arrow
Going over descriptions of artifacts: small berry basket, scraper
Going over descriptions of artifacts: model war canoe, with discussion of slave raids
Going over descriptions of artifacts: rattle
Going over descriptions of artifacts: items used in canoeing
Going over descriptions of artifacts: model war canoe, with discussion of slave raids
Going over descriptions of artifacts: model war canoe, discussion of slave raids, spindle
Going over descriptions of artifacts: reef net
Going over descriptions of artifacts: model war canoe
Descriptions of artifacts: arrow, berry basket, duck arrow, halibut hook, jewelry, large basket
Going over descriptions of artifacts: reef net
Going over descriptions of artifacts: mortar & pestle, reef net
Going over descriptions of artifacts: items used in dancing
Going over descriptions of artifacts: arrowhead/spearhead
Going over descriptions of artifacts: arrowhead/spearhead
Going over descriptions of artifacts: adze
Going over descriptions of artifacts: arrowhead/spearhead