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Plan de souscription, pour le graphometre universel, nouvel instrument mathématique, de l'invention du Sr. A. G. Eckhardt, membre de la Société Royale de Londres
premiers cahiers d'un ouvrage botanique d'origine Batave, publié récemment sous le titre de Flora Batava, o Représentation & des
Resolution to be considered at the meeting of the American Philosophical Society, to be held on the 3d of March, 1815
The right ascension and declination of ß bootes adapted to the beginning of the year, 1787
To the learned and judicious. [Page 4:] Proposals for printing, by subscription, An easy introduction to the Latin language, adapted to the comprehension of beginners
A short account of the behemoth or mammoth
A catalogue of books written by Dr. Joseph Priestley
History of the Indian tribes of North America. With biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. Embellished with 120 portraits, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War at Washington.
Proposals for printing, by subscription, Elements of zoology or outlines of the natural history of animals. ...Conditions, &c.
Registry of periodical phenomena. 185-
Redemptoris typo. Tentamina de electricitate. ...Exercitium istud quod sibi dedicari concessit, présentiâ suâ nobiltabit D. Benjamin Franklin, bene meritorum de electricitate physicorum princeps in Mazarinaeo
M'Carty & Davis,...Philadelphia, propose publishing by subscription, an original work, entitled, A narrative of the mission of the United Brethen, amongst the Delaware and Mohegan Indians
Hitcham horticultural show. Programme for July 12th, 1854
Sir William Jones
Monsieur, La Commission centrale de la Société de Géographie a décidé dans sa séance du 22 septembre 1836, qu'il serait formé au
Jubilee of the Right Honorable Professor Lord Kelvin