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Les chaires à l'Université Impériale de Vilna que l'assemblée générale de professeurs tenue le 18. julliet 1803 a declarées vacantes pour ètre publiées, sont...
Sujets de prix, proposés par l'Académie...pour l'année 1782.... [Page 2:] Pour l'année 1783. ...A Lyon, le 5 septembre 1780
A living whale! And monstrous living crocodile. In a communication to the Boston Journal, Professor Agassiz gives the following description of the white whale.... [Page 2:] Catalogue. ...Boston, June 3, 1861.
A new astronomical instrument. Shewing the day of the month, change and age of the moon, the places of the sun and moon in the ecliptic,
Tableau du Cercle des Philadelphes, Établi au Cap-François avec l'approbation du Roi, le 15 août 1784
Circular. Providence, R. I.[,] Nov. 1, 1830. At an adjourned meeting of the board of trustees of the Rhode-Island Historical Society
510 Pam.xp No. 7. - University of Virginia. Examination in natural philosophy. July 14th, 1829
Meteorological observations made at Springmill, 13 miles NNW. from Philadelphia, L. 40°4' N. Month of May, 1789
Proposals, by Edward Poole, for publishing, by subscription, a supplement to the "History of animated nature, by Oliver Goldsmith." Animals peculiar to North America, by John D. Godman, M.D.
Scientific lecture. Prof. Edgerton of Michigan has the pleasure of announcing to the citizens of _____ that he will lecture on _____ evening _____ upon the following subjects
Sir[,] The Royal Society have receiv'd your present of _____ and I am directed to return you their thanks for the same
From the Utica Morning Herald, June 5, 1863
Antiquités mexicaines. Relation des trois expéditions ordonnées par le Roi d'Espagne en 1805, 1806, et 1807,  pour la recherche des antiquités antérieures a la découverte du Mexique, notamment celles de Mitla et de Palenque
Syllabus of the lectures of Thomas Cooper, Esq. M.D. as professor of geology and mineralogy in the University of Pennsylvania
Washington, D.C.[,] March 18, 1863. Sir, Replies have been received to my circular letter of March 5th from more than three- fifths of the members of the National Academy of Sciences