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To the public. The address of the New-York Historical Society
Royal Menagerie, Exeter 'Change, Strand, the grandest national depot of animated nature in the world, open for inspection every day...
Baltimore, Maryland, _____ 183_. The Maryland Academy of Science and Literature, having lately had the misfortune to lose its valuable museum and library by fire
Third circular of the committee, relating to the contemplated meeting to commence on the first Monday of April 1844. To which are added certain proceedings of the board of management of the institute.
From the Utica Morning Herald, April 12, 1892. Oneida Historians[.] Listen to an address on "The Oneida Institute." Dr. Smith Baker the speaker at the monthly meeting of the society- -business transacted
Maison d'éducation et école de mathématiques, sous l'autorité & la jurisdiction de Monsieur le Chantre de l'Église de Paris...[et] sous la direction de M. Arnauld
Tickets of admission to Zoological Garden, Philadelphia
Liste des membres qui composent la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Ile Maurice. 1er[.] septembre 1836
Rooms of the Amer. Philosophical Soc.[,] Philadelphia, _____ 1863. To the secretary of the _____[.] Sir: You will please find at the rooms of the _____ a package of our publications
The American Philosophical Society...requests the honor of Mr. _____ company at the St. George Hotel on Monday, March 15 1880 at 5 p.m. at a dinner to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the society
Royal Menagerie, Exeter 'Change, Strand, revived and improved by S. Polito, the first emporium of living curiosities in the known world; is now classically divided into three different apartments, in a most substantial, clean, and beautiful order
Academia Scientiarium Imperialis L: S: Academiam Petri Magni auspiciis.... Datum ex Academia Scientiarum M: Januar: D: 14 A: 1726. [Saint Petersburg]: Typis mandatum Typographia Petropolitana
Les chaires à l'Université Impériale de Vilna que l'assemblée générale de professeurs tenue le 18. julliet 1803 a declarées vacantes pour ètre publiées, sont...
Sujets de prix, proposés par l'Académie...pour l'année 1782.... [Page 2:] Pour l'année 1783. ...A Lyon, le 5 septembre 1780
A living whale! And monstrous living crocodile. In a communication to the Boston Journal, Professor Agassiz gives the following description of the white whale.... [Page 2:] Catalogue. ...Boston, June 3, 1861.
Tableau du Cercle des Philadelphes, Établi au Cap-François avec l'approbation du Roi, le 15 août 1784
Circular. Providence, R. I.[,] Nov. 1, 1830. At an adjourned meeting of the board of trustees of the Rhode-Island Historical Society
Sir[,] The Royal Society have receiv'd your present of _____ and I am directed to return you their thanks for the same