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Tobocah (Choctaw Chief) and Chickasaw Captain to Benjamin Franklin
Plan de souscription, pour le graphometre universel, nouvel instrument mathématique, de l'invention du Sr. A. G. Eckhardt, membre de la Société Royale de Londres
Benjamin Franklin and John Foxcroft to [Anthony Todd], 1764 September 21
The right ascension and declination of ß bootes adapted to the beginning of the year, 1787
To the learned and judicious. [Page 4:] Proposals for printing, by subscription, An easy introduction to the Latin language, adapted to the comprehension of beginners
Loyseau to Benjamin Franklin, 1783 February 17
Prospectus d'un supplément à l'Encyclopédie alphabétique, extrait de l'Encyclopédie par order des matieres. ...ce 10 decembre 1783
Redemptoris typo. Tentamina de electricitate. ...Exercitium istud quod sibi dedicari concessit, présentiâ suâ nobiltabit D. Benjamin Franklin, bene meritorum de electricitate physicorum princeps in Mazarinaeo