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Indischer Ocean.
The Philadelphia Parkway as planned for the Fairmount Park Association.
Portraiture of the city of Philadelphia in the province of Pennsylvania in America.
Map of Philadelphia and parts adjacent.
Atlas of New Jersey.
Maury's wind and current chart.
Carte de la Polynesie ou la cinquième partie de la terre [title also in Swedish].
[Map of Vancouver Island area with light annotation.]
Plan of the city of Philadelphia and environs.
. . . .Map of the city and liberties of Philadelphia, with the catalogue of purchasers, is humbly dedicated by their most obedient humble servant, John Reed.
Map (4).  Showing approximately some of the chief trade routes and trading places &c of the Plateau tribes.
Korea or Cho-sen of the Japanese.
Geologische Karte der Umgebung von Brugg (Aargau) von C. Moesch.