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The [state of] New Jersey according to the best authorities.
Chart of the lights on the lake coast of the United States.
Ground plan [of the] Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Missouri.
A map of the British Empire in North America; by Samuel Dunn.
A map of North America with the European settlements & whatever else is remarkable in ye West Indies, from the latest and best observations.
Vues & coupes du Cap de la Hève. Profit du Cap.
Map of the United States of America.
Die Eisgebyrge des Schweizerlandes, mit allen dabey vorkommenden Mineralien. In ihrem zusammenhang vorgestelt von G. S. Gruner.
Salem harbor, Massachusetts.
Les deux parties française et espagnol de St. Domingue réduites en triangles, lieues marines carrées et carraux de cent pas sur cent d'après la carte gravée sur une plus grande échelle . . . Madrid.
Weather map.
London docks. Plan of the River Thames with the proposed docks and cut.
"Map of Delaware Bay and River from the Ocean to Trenton in New Jersey"
To George Washington president of the United States of America this magnetic atlas or variation chart is humbly inscribed by John Churchman.
Battle field of Gettysburg.