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Jefferson, Thomas to Jeremiah A. Goodman, March 1, 1812.
Jefferson, Thomas to A[lbert] and J[ohn] W. Picket, April 10, 1818.
Subscription to Equip an Albemarle County Volunteer Co.
Jefferson, Thomas to Spencer Roane, September 6, 1819.
Jefferson, Thomas to John Vaughan, December 22, 1815.
Jefferson, Thomas to [Thomas Leiper], June 12, 14 1815.
Jefferson, Thomas to [Dr. William Eustis].
Jefferson, Thomas to [Spencer] Roane, June 27, 1821.
Jefferson, Thomas to [Joseph Francisco Correa da Serra], June 14 1817.
Jefferson, Thomas to William S. Cardell, March 8, 1820.
Washington, George to Samuel Washington, October 18, 1776.
Jefferson, Thomas to William D. Meriwether, October 30, 1816.
Jefferson, Thomas to Messrs. LeRoy, Bayard, and Company, July 18, 1823.
Jefferson, Thomas to the Secretary of the Navy [Paul Hamilton], December 21, 1812.
Robert Y. Hayne, Petition to Congress.
Causten, James H. to Thomas Jefferson, October 11, 1825.
Jefferson,Thomas to John Laval, June 5, 1822.
Jefferson,Thomas to [Richard Rush], August 14, 1821.
Jefferson, Thomas to Emma [Hart] Willard, December 18, 1819.