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de la Colomb, Pierre to John Jay, 1779
Shippen, Edward to Joseph Shippen, 1779 May 18
Promissory note from Lewis Lewis, 1778 October 9
Correspondence to an Unknown recipient, 1779 December 31
Paine, Thomas to Henry Laurens, 1778 April 11
Paine, Thomas to Dr. Samuel Adams, 1781 January 30, February 1
Smith, William Estimate, 1779 May 9
Morris, Sarah Gouverneur bond book, 1770-1786
Betts, William to Udny Hay, 1779 October 5
General account of horses, 1778-12-11
Yeates, Jasper correspondence, 1776
Brown, Benjamin to Nathanael Greene, 1779 October 18
Memorandum of articles to be ordered
General account of horses, 1778-12-29
Muhlenberg, Peter to Superintendent of Artificers, 1779 April 2
Parker, Richard to George Gray, 1779 April 3