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(21 - 40 of 51)
Stories of Harry and the Indian Doctor who helped him on multiple occasions [3 of 3]
Short story about George Toodlican who killed a man after a party at Shulus in 1910 or 1912
Story about a man who killed his wife in 1905 [1 of 2]
Story about Albert McDougal who killed a man at Westbank
Story about a man who killed his wife in 1905 [2 of 2]
How the Okanagans got horses from the Blackfoot Indians
Story about the George brothers who killed 2 policemen on the Merritt-Spence's Bridge Highway
Story about the Shuswaps who went to Oroville during a salmon run to kill the Okanagans there
Story 10: Minnie Lake (English)
Story about how Harry's leg got bad through witchcraft
Story about a man named Aleck who killed his wife Julianne for being lazy and neglecting him
Story about George Jim who was 'wanted' for killing a white man [1 of 2]
Autobiographical stories, with elicitation focused on binding and subordination
Story about Aleck in Vernon who killed an Indian doctor because he thought this doctor killed his mother
Story 10: Minnie Lake (Okanagan)
Story about a bunch of men who were hunting, one of whom got sick and had to be left behind
Story 9: Old Woman story (English)
Story about George Jim who was 'wanted' for killing a white man [2 of 2]
Story about an Indian, Polutkin, who went to the USA to retrieve an Indian woman
Stories of three murders by Charlie Skwaken of Hedley, B.C. [2 of 2]