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(1 - 12 of 12)
Interview with Mari Watters [2 of 2]
Interview with Mari Watters [1 of 2]
Interview with Mari Watters on Nez Perce Protestant Hymns [1 of 2]
Interview with Julia Pablo [2 of 2]
Interview with Dorothy Jackson [1 of 2]
Songs of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation [1 of 2]
Interview with Mari Watters on Nez Perce Protestant Hymns [2 of 2]
Interview with Julia Pablo [1 of 2]
Discussion of Albert Moore's songs and Nez Perce music [2 of 2]
Discussion of Albert Moore's songs and Nez Perce music [1 of 2]
Songs of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation [2 of 2]
Interview with Dorothy Jackson [2 of 2]