Sending pages 2910-2940 copied from "thumb book" (see letter of 12-30- 1923) with corrections of spelling mistakes, and łendăqw story of the Wuikinuxv, told by Odzestales, who promises to give more Heiltsuk stories. People are away at potlatch given by a young Madiłbe chief who was given a permit to do it. People were happy but the Indian Agent said there would be no more after this. A man came to Fort Rupert to start carving a house for P.E. Goddard.
Received letter of February 8 and 12, map sent by Newcombe and small one sent by Mr. Kermode. Odzestales translated the Rivers Inlet story recently. Hunt translated it in turn into Kwak'wala and English. Sending pages 2866-2882 with the last of the L!asutewales story, and pages 2883- 2894 of guwi story at nulu also told by Odzestales. Thankful for the work. Asks for reminder of what to work on next. Madełbe tribe came today to invite Kwagu'ł to a big potlatch. Indian agent allowed the chief to do this even though others are prohibited.