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(41 - 60 of 153)
Plains Cree elicitations: 374-409
Plains Cree elicitation
Plains Cree elicitations: 346-358
Plains Cree elicitations: 483-486
Plains Cree elicitation
Plains Cree elicitations: 518-542
Plains Cree elicitation: 846-882
II(4B6b) Montagnais loan words from English
Cree Notebook and Loose Notes, Notebook 11
Cree and English sentences: from pg. 16, "That man who killed the moose is my brother"
Cree and English sentences: from pg. 21, "That trapper killed some muskrats"
Cree and English sentences: from pg. 25, "He planned it so"
Plains Cree: Lessons 1-12
Cree Phrase Book: Lessons 31-37
Vocabulary & Sentences, English to Cree
Cree Phrase Book: Lessons 1-14
Cree Phrase Book: Lessons 15-22
Cree phrases: 1-30
Swampy Cree: Lesson 1-12 [1 of 2]
Cree and English sentences: from "The bear sure is black"