audio:7011; APSdigrec_1132; Recording Number: 09; Program Number: 20
"Lucy Albert speaks in Northway Athabaskan.... Frank Charley evidently paraphrases in Chistochina dialect.... Maggy Joe explains that Lucy Albert lost her cousin, the big chief, at Northway. She has just come back here to live near her two surviving relatives, - ?- and Frank Charley, her son."; Recorded at Chistochina Song Fest.
audio:7535; APSdigrec_1426; Recording Number: 10; Program Number: 01
This vocabulary was collected by Paul & Trude A. Milanowski in Tetlin in 1961. The vocabulary was read by Jessie David, assisted by other unidentified Tetlin residents. Occasionally a Tanacross pronunciation is given.
"Jim McKinley started this Northway Dancing Song. (Martha Jackson identified this as a mourning song from up-the-line, but others as a dancing song)."; ;
audio:7638; APSdigrec_1755; Recording Number: 28; Program Number: 02
This performance was recorded in Tetlin, Alaska by Jimmy Joe. Copies of the recording were later given to Frederica de Laguna. A detailed list of the songs performed has not been located among the collector's documentation. Given the location of the recording, a significant portion of the songs are likely in the Upper Tanana language. Performance may include songs in languages of other nearby communities, though specific linguistic information is not available in the collector's documentation.
audio:7078; APSdigrec_1102; Recording Number: 08; Program Number: 15
Recorded at Tazlina Song Fest. Information identifying the song is missing from the collector's accompanying documentation. Available information gathered from recording itself.