Letter from William Stephens to Nathanael Greene. Newtown - Has been making all preparations possible for General Sullivan's army. Will send on one load of potatoes, and if possible, Mrs. Stephens will procure a firkin of butter.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from John Sullivan to Nathanael Greene. Millstone - Asks that the important letters accompanying this may be forwarded immediately. Complains that a letter of his to General Knox was delayed three days after being sent to General Greene's office.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from Tench Tilghman to Nathanael Greene. West Point - His Excellency desires that he shall fix upon the Acquaquenac position if it answers the description given by Colonel Dehaart and Major Barnet. The greatest objection will be the increase of transportation. Officers commanding the different divisions have directions to follow General Greene's orders for their route between Pompton and Morristown. Suggests posting an officer on the road to direct the march, if the Acquaquenac position is taken.; American Philosophical Society
Letter from George Washington to Nathanael Greene. Headquarters, Middlebrook - Requesting him to consult with the Commissary-General about laying in a magazine of four month's provisions for 1200 men at Fort Pitt and for 100 men at Sunbury. Asking him also to obtain, in as secret a manner as possible, a list of all the vessels from the Falls of Susquehanna to Wyoming, and certain other details. Orders concerning the returns of each month. Preparations for an Indian expedition to be prosecuted agreeable to directions expected from General Schuyler. No further action to be taken in providing materials for the vessels of force, but the articles already on hand are to be kept secure from waste and loss.; American Philosophical Society