Letter from Charles Thomas Jackson to Alexander Vattemare thanking his for communication and accepting an award from the French academy. Jackson mentions Dr. John C. Warren and the first amputation surgery under ether.
Paris. Franklin made an associate of the Académie [des Sciences, Belle-Lettres et des Arts] of Lyons. Their intention of calling on him very soon. (In French.)
General physical description: A.L.S. 1p.
Lyons. Franklin's election as a member of the Académic des Sciences, Belleslettres et des Arts of Lyons; sends a list of the Society's members and of the prizes bestowed; adds a dissertation on the laws of Lycurgus by the Author of the Testament de Fortuné Ricard. (In French.) [Enclosure from the Abbés de Chalut and Arnoux relating to Franklins answer to the above letter.] [Brother of J.B.C. Lucas Desptutreux?]
General physical description: A.L.S. 3p.
Other Descriptive Information: Printed in Works (Sparks, X, 197; Bigelow, IX, 138).