Paris. Franklin made an associate of the Académie [des Sciences, Belle-Lettres et des Arts] of Lyons. Their intention of calling on him very soon. (In French.)
General physical description: A.L.S. 1p.
Lyons. Franklin's election as a member of the Académic des Sciences, Belleslettres et des Arts of Lyons; sends a list of the Society's members and of the prizes bestowed; adds a dissertation on the laws of Lycurgus by the Author of the Testament de Fortuné Ricard. (In French.) [Enclosure from the Abbés de Chalut and Arnoux relating to Franklins answer to the above letter.] [Brother of J.B.C. Lucas Desptutreux?]
General physical description: A.L.S. 3p.
Other Descriptive Information: Printed in Works (Sparks, X, 197; Bigelow, IX, 138).