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(1 - 20 of 37)
D028: Trees and shoreline
D029: Fields along shoreline
D030: Fields along shoreline
D031: Popponesset Beach
D032: Popponesset Beach
D033: Ferdinand Miles, M. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle
D034: M. Schmidt
D035: Group of men smoking food on the beach
D036: Young man wearing cap
D037: Young man wearing cap (close-up)
D038: Young man wearing cap
D039: Woman with two children
D040: Mr. Oakley
D041: Ferdinand
D042: Two children seated in chair
D050: Woman and child
D051: Mrs. Horatio Amos
D052: Mrs. Horatio Amos
D053: Mrs. Sturges
D054: Mrs. Sturges