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Durkee, John to John Sumner, 1779 January 4
Adams, Dr. Samuel to Sally Preston Adams, 1780 December 12
Dennis, John to James Robinson " [Robertson]," 1779 January 4
Dix, Dr. Elijah to whom it may concern, 1782 May 13
Adams, Dr. Samuel to Sally Preston, 1776 March 26
Lawrence, Roderic to Managers of the United States Lottery, 1780 July 19
Webster, Pelatiah to Benjamin Franklin, 1780 May 02
Adams, Dr. Samuel to Sally Preston Adams, 1778 October 2
Dunscomb, Edward to _________, 1783 June 11
Morris, Robert to Benjamin Franklin, 1781 June 08
Muhlenberg, John Peter Gabriel  to Unknown recipient, 1780 September 23
Adams, Dr. Samuel to Sally Preston Adams, 1779 May 6
Adams, Dr. Samuel to Sally Preston Adams, 1776 November 16
Lawrence, Roderic to Managers of the United States Lottery, 1779 December 17
John Minthorn
Lawrence, Roderic to Managers of the United States Lottery, 1780 May 03
Nichols, Robert Carter to [Thomas Jefferson], 1776 August 24
Gibson, John to Managers of the United States Lottery, 1778 March 16