graphics:10831; Realms of Gold identifier: 902, 649: [ca. 1768]: Sm57madL Large
Full title: Plan of the boundary lines between the provinces of Maryland and the three lower counties of Delaware, with part of the parallel of latitude which is the boundary between the provinces of Maryland and Pennsylvania. [The line was run by Mason and Dixon. London: ca. 1768].; Mease presented several "rare and interesting maps, of early date, of the division lines between Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, accompanied by some explanatory notes." The gifts were listed as: 1. A plan of the Boundary line between the Province of Maryland, and the three lower Counties on Delaware, with facts (?) of the paralel [sic] of Latitude, which is the boundary between the provinces of Maryland and Pennsa. 2. A plan of the famous "West Line," or paralel [sic] of latitude, which is the boundary between the Provinces of Maryland and Pennsa. which was run by Mason and Dixon in 1762 & 8. 3. A map of that part of America, where a degree of latitude was measured for the Royal Society by Mason and Dixon in 1768 [Archives. J. Mease to APS, 19 May 1826; Minutes; Donation Book; Transactions, n.s., vol. 3]. Wheat: 497 See: Thomas D. Cope, "Degrees along the west line . . ." APS Proceedings, 1949.
Provenance: Presented and autographed by James Mease, 19 May 1826, another copy presented by Chew Family Trust, 15 November 1982.