Monticello, A.L.S. 1p. and add. Contains short note by Dr. Thornton. Water supply for Monticello. Crosbie's claim to Janes' loom. Small portion printed: Betts' Jefferson's garden book,p. 541.
John Breck Treat's meteorological observations for 1805-1808 contain information on the temperature, barometer, rainfall, and general observations for Arkansas in the recently acquired Louisiana Territory. Treat sent this volume to Thomas Jefferson in 1809 from "Arkansa in Louisiana," and wrote, "If from their perusal you can derive, either information or amusement, respecting the climate of this part of our country, your acceptance will be highly gratifying."
Note: 'papers which were lost in the trunk no. 28 found on the S. side of the river 3 or 4 miles above Manchester and returned to me by Mr. Jefferson July 2, 1809.'
Poplar Forest near Lynchburg, A.L. 1p. and add. (signature cut off, another supplied) Carey's Olive Branch. Rejection of British treaty without laying it before the Senate. Views on religion. Bur. of rolls, v.6,65 - Ser. 1,v.14, 101