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Proposals, by Abraham Small, no. 165, Chestnut Street, 2nd door below Fifth Street, Philadelphia, for publishing by subscription, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge.
Pam.v.1086, No.11 - Prospectus du Cercle des Philadelphes, Établi au Cap
Constitution of the West-Point Lyceum of Natural History
Sir, A number of the citizens of this state have recently formed a society under the title of the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina
Atto di aggiudicazione dei premi d'onore del concorso 1892-93. Modena, 10 Febbraio 1895
Pam.v.1101, No. 15 - Notice sur la séance publique du Cercle des Philadelphes, tenue le 15 août 1788. [Page 2:] Programme des prix proposes par le Cercle des Philadelphes
Geleerde en Andere Genootshappen
Monsieur, Le Musée de Paris ayant transporté ses séances au local de M. [Jean-François] Pilatre de Rozier....A l'hôtel du Musée de Paris...le 28 août 1783
(From the Utica Morning Herald, Jan. 13, 1872 [sic; should be 1892?].) Historical. Annual Meeting of the Oneida Society. Reports presented and officers elected--an able address by S. N. D. North of Boston on "The evolution of the factory system."
Annual Election of Officers and Councilors, 1896...[Obverse] Officers for 1896
"The field is the world." London, May 18, 1860
Resolutions in reference to daylight saving adopted by the American Philosophical Society
Constitution of the Paterson Philosophical Society
(From the Utica Morning Herald, April 13, 1892). Oneida Historical Society. Business session held yesterday afternoon--a paper by General C. W. Darling on "Pre-historic archaeology of America" read last evening
Programme of organization of the Smithsonian Institution. (Presented to the Board of Regents, Dec. 8, 1847.)
Notice. Books, specimens, or communications sent from foreign countries to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, should be addressed to _____ London