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Tillkånna gifves att...Peter Jonas Bergius, dog i Stockholm. den 10 Julii 1790
Pam.v.951, No.5 - The following letter furnished for the minutes by Mr. Price, will explain the history of the purchase of oaks in Europe
590 Pam. no. 28c - Professor Agassiz proposes to publish the principal results of his investigations of the natural history of the United States
Important to naturalists, scientific institutions, &c. ...Just published, price one guinea to subscribers--thirty shillings to non-subscribers, The natural history of the order Cetacea, and the oceanic inhabitants of the Arctic regions.
590 Pam. no. 28b - The great work of Professor Agassiz. Contributions to the natural history of the United States, by Louis Agassiz. In ten volumes, quarto.... Extracts from the prospectus
Paris, ce __ juin 1782. M. _____[,] J'ai l'honneur de vous prévenir que je viens de recevoir la seconde livraison des Oeuvres complettes de M. Charles Bonnet...
premiers cahiers d'un ouvrage botanique d'origine Batave, publié récemment sous le titre de Flora Batava, o Représentation & des
A short account of the behemoth or mammoth
Proposals for printing, by subscription, Elements of zoology or outlines of the natural history of animals. ...Conditions, &c.
Registry of periodical phenomena. 185-
Hitcham horticultural show. Programme for July 12th, 1854
Professor Agassiz's lectures. Prof. Agassiz proposes to deliver a course of lectures in Philadelphia, similar to the one just completed by him before the Lowell Institute
Dr. Barton's edition of the whole works of St. Pierre.
University of Pennsylvania. A course of lectures on materia medica. by Benjamin Smith Barton