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Laurence Sterne, A. M. Prebendary of York, Vicar of Sutton on the Forest and of Stillington near York.
The Duke of Sutherland.
M. Le Marquis De La Fayette.
James Wolfe Esq., Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in the Expedition against Quebec.
Duchess of Marlborough.
Thaddeus Kosciuszko.
Sir. John Doyle.
Charles Duke of Rickmond.
The Reverend Adam Sedgwick, Woodwardian Professor of Geology in the University of Cambridge, 1833.
William Pitt.
Admiral Hopkins, Commendeur en Chef de Flotte Americaine des XIII Provinces unies.
The Reverend Benjamin Coleman.
William Pitt.
The Reverend Henry Caner, Minister of Kings Chapel, Boston.
Charles Duke of Rickmond.
Le Comte de Vergennes.
M. Le Marquis De La Fayette.
William Earl of Chatham.
The Honourable Col. Townshend.
Admiral Hopkins, Commendeur en Chef de Flotte Americaine des XIII Provinces unies.