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(41 - 60 of 69)
A Girl Married to a Dog
The Magic Arrow
Mkkwániwi and the Trial at St. Joseph
The Chief with Seven Sons
The Rabbit and the Lynx
Ottawa-English Conversation at Tabandong Feast
Underground People
Word list from "Why Some Trees have Knobs on Them and the Birches Grow in Clumps"
The Story of Bagog, the Skeleton
Why Some Trees have Knobs on Them and the Birches Grow in Clumps
Interview between Jane Willets and Chief Ettawageshik
Nanabojo Creates the Indian [second telling by Fred Ettawageshik]
Nanabojo Creates the Indian
How the Bear Lost his Tail
Word list from "The Story of Bagog, the Skeleton"
The Story of the Robin
Why the Great Lakes are Receding
Creation of Mackinac Island by Nanabojo
The Story of Nanabojo and the Leeks