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Atlas of New Jersey.
A map of the British Empire in North America; by Samuel Dunn.
A map of North America with the European settlements & whatever else is remarkable in ye West Indies, from the latest and best observations.
Vues & coupes du Cap de la Hève. Profit du Cap.
Carte générale du théâtre de la guerre.
[Map of the moon accompanied by an explanation of the figures and letters]
Map of the United States of America.
To the Honorable Thomas Penn and Richard Penn . . . and to John Penn . . . map of the province of Pennsylvania.
Plan of the River Viguo, and Port de Rande. Situated in the north part of Spain, in the kingdom of Gallice . . . by Joseph Smith Speer.
Die Eisgebyrge des Schweizerlandes, mit allen dabey vorkommenden Mineralien. In ihrem zusammenhang vorgestelt von G. S. Gruner.
Salem harbor, Massachusetts.
[Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean. 1792].
Pianta topografica della città di Napoli in Campagna Felice.
Sketch of the solar system for the use of schools.
The Eskimo tribes of north-east America. By Franz Boas.
Remarques sur la navigation de Terre-Neuve à New-York afin d'éviter les Courrants et les bas-fonds au sud de Nantuckett et du Banc de George.
Maury's wind and current chart.
Weather map.