See: Franklin Bache, "Where is Franklin's first chart of the Gulf Stream?" American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, vol. 76, p. 731, 1936; and Benjamin Franklin, "A letter from Dr. Benjamin Franklin to Mr. Alphonsus Le Roy . . . August 1785," American Philosophical Society, Transactions, vol. 2. Philadelphia: 1786.
Is represented at home as an opposer of Government and disaffected to the King's service. Since he is acquainted with what zeal he served Gen. [Edward] Braddock and also with his readiness to assist his forces by affecting the grant from the Asembly for £10,000 in provisions and clothing; he desires him to mention these things in a letter to him that he may be at liberty to communicate it to Sir Everard Fawkener,and thus remove any impressions to his disadvantage.