- Conversation with Larry Pierre and Willie Armstrong
- Conversation on dialectical variations in Okanagan, borrowings from English and French, and animal and fish names.
- Conversation with Larry Pierre with some vocabulary items
- A conversation used to establish words containing voiced velar fricatives and pharyngeal fricatives.
- Eagle and Fox
- Whole story given first in Okanagan, then in English.
- Esnéna ecáwc ("The Owl's Affair")
- "The tale of Owl, who kidnapped a boy. Accounts for the origin of the loon and its ghostly call."
- Okanagan story
- Story told by George Lezard, an Okanagan monoglot.
- Owl, Rabbit, and Chipmunk
- Whole story given first in Okanagan, then in English.
- Prayers and Conversation with Louise
- Includes prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostles' Creed. Followed by conversation with selected vocabulary items.
- Reaction discussion to Tommy Gregoire's story
- Okanagan speech by George Lezard, with inter-sentence translation by Larry Pierre. Topic concerns sources of food and the problem of conflicting cultlures.
- Some further examples of Christian hymns sung in Okanagan
- "O K'olncótn" ("O, Creator") -- Chinook Hymn used on Good Friday -- Hymn for the Dead -- Noël: Christmas Hymn, Recorded at Spectacle Lake in Washington state. Misidentified by collector as being located in British Columbia.
- Song: "Communion Hymn"
- Recorded at Spectacle Lake in Washington state. Misidentified by collector as being located in British Columbia.
- Story of the old days
- Concerns "sources of food and the problem of conflicting cultures" drawn from the speaker's recollections of a conversation with a Catholic priest.